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poesia inglese del novecento

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Andare in Chiesa / Church Going (1954)

di Philip Larkin
Traduzione di Jacopo Masi. Andare in chiesa Appurato che non c’è nulla in corso,/ entro, lasciando la porta richiudersi / in un tonfo sordo. Ancora una chiesa: /


di franco buffoni A Season in Vienna The tram grinds on wet rails around the corners of brown buildings. Scatheless visitors in a cold rain we float your streets of plaster frontage pitted down to the brick, in a dark afternoon the windows burning bemused in electric light. Later we had a guide to the grandeurs of Franz Joseph, the Ring the Opera, the Kunsthistorische and: "On this balcony Hitler announced the Anschluss. Flowers were all in bloom then I remember: Vienna had good springs once". (dalla raccolta In a Green Eye, 1966 poi in Selected Poems, Carcanet 1994) Il tram...
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